When you need to screen small volumes of rock for gravel, try thevibro bucket.The purpose-built Vibro bucket isdesigned to sort through rock, gravel and demolition materials forrecycling.
Here''s how it works: the bucket isloaded with rock. The operator switches on the vibrator with afoot-mounted hydraulic valve. Small stones fall through the bucketleaving behind stones larger than the screen size.
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Three models SWS60 SWS80 SWS100
Weight kg 1.500 1, 700 1, 940
Overalwidth – mm 1.300 1, 300 1, 450
Overalheight – mm 1, 210 1, 400 1, 530
ScreenSize – mm 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x100
Operatingpressure – bar 180~200 180~200 180~200
Suitableexcavators – ton 12~16 20~26 28~36
Vibro Bucket